What happens during a somatic release?

During a somatic release, the body undergoes a process of releasing stored tension, trauma, or emotional energy. This can result in various physiological and psychological changes. Here are some common experiences that may occur during a somatic release:

  1. Activation of the relaxation response: As the body releases tension and stress, the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, leading to a state of relaxation. Heart rate and blood pressure may decrease, and breathing may become slower and deeper.

  2. Increased body awareness: Having a somatic release often involves tuning into bodily sensations and becoming more aware of physical experiences. This heightened body awareness can help individuals connect with and release stored emotions or trauma held in the body.

  3. Emotional release: A somatic release can trigger the release of suppressed or stored emotions. This may involve crying, laughing, shaking, or experiencing a range of intense emotions as the body processes and releases emotional energy.

  4. Muscle relaxation: As tension is released from the body, muscles may relax and soften. This can lead to a sense of physical relief, increased flexibility, and improved posture.

  5. Increased energy flow: A somatic release can facilitate the flow of energy throughout the body. This can result in a sense of vitality, increased energy levels, and a feeling of being more connected to oneself and the present moment.

  6. Integration and grounding: Following a somatic release, individuals may experience a sense of integration and grounding. This can involve feeling more centered, balanced, and connected to one's body and surroundings.

Each individual's journey is unique, and the specific sensations and experiences may differ. Overall, a somatic release creates space within by allowing the release of stored tension, trauma, and emotional energy, creating room for healing, self-awareness, and a deeper connection with oneself.

If you would like to experience a somatic release under the guidance of a trained professional who can support you and provide you with a safe and supportive environment, please book a session below. Online & In-Person, 1:1 & Group Somatic Healing sessions are available.


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