Having a regulated nervous system doesn't mean being calm all the time, it means having CHOICE

Having a regulated nervous system doesn't imply being calm at all times; rather, it signifies having the ability to exercise choice and control over our responses. Nervous System Regulation is, at its core, the ability to move flexibly between different states of arousal in response to stressors. This means that when we encounter a change in our environment, like a stressful situation, we can adapt so that we are not overwhelmed.

Our bodies hold onto past experiences and emotions, and these unresolved issues can impact our nervous system and overall well-being. When we experience trauma or chronic stress, our nervous system can become dysregulated, leading to symptoms such as anxiety, hypervigilance, or a heightened stress response. Repatterning the nervous system through somatic healing involves restoring balance and regulation to the nervous system, allowing for a healthier and more adaptive response to stressors.

Here are some ways in which Somatic Healing helps repattern the nervous system:

  • Body awareness: Somatic healing encourages developing a deeper awareness of bodily sensations, emotions, and patterns of tension or discomfort. By tuning into these sensations, we can begin to identify areas of stored trauma or stress.

  • Regulation techniques: Somatic healing utilizes various techniques to regulate the nervous system, such as breathwork, grounding exercises, and gentle movement. These techniques help activate the body's relaxation response, calming the nervous system and reducing stress.

  • Release of stored tension: Trauma and stress can manifest as physical tension in the body. Somatic healing techniques aim to release this tension and promote relaxation.

  • Resourcing and resilience-building: Somatic healing emphasizes building inner resources and resilience to support the nervous system. This may involve cultivating a sense of safety, connection, and self-compassion.

  • Integration and processing: Somatic healing provides a space for integrating and processing past experiences and emotions.

Overall, repatterning the nervous system through somatic healing involves restoring balance, regulation, and a sense of safety to the body. It allows for the release of stored tension and trauma, promoting healing and well-being.

Please note that somatic healing is a complex and individualized process, and it's recommended to work with a trained professional who can guide you through the techniques and provide appropriate support. If you would like to explore Somatic Healing further, please book a session using the link below.


We heal when we address the root cause of dis-ease in the body and go beyond medication & symptom management


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