What is the compassionate self-inquiry method?

Dr. Gabor Maté's compassionate self-inquiry method is an approach that encourages individuals to explore their inner experiences with kindness, curiosity, and non-judgment. It involves developing self-awareness and understanding the underlying emotions, beliefs, and experiences that contribute to one's thoughts, behaviors, and patterns.

The compassionate self-inquiry method recognizes that our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are often influenced by our past experiences, including childhood trauma and conditioning. By engaging in compassionate self-inquiry, individuals can gain insight into the root causes of their challenges and begin the process of healing and transformation.

Here are some key aspects of the compassionate self-inquiry method:

  1. Kindness and self-compassion: The method emphasizes approaching oneself with kindness and self-compassion. This involves cultivating a non-judgmental attitude towards one's thoughts, emotions, and experiences. By treating oneself with gentleness and understanding, individuals create a safe space for exploration and healing.

  2. Curiosity and exploration: Compassionate self-inquiry encourages individuals to be curious about their inner experiences. It involves exploring the underlying emotions, beliefs, and patterns that contribute to their thoughts and behaviors. This process allows for a deeper understanding of oneself and the factors that shape one's experiences.

  3. Mindfulness and presence: The method emphasizes being present and mindful in the moment. By cultivating awareness of one's thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations, individuals can observe their experiences without getting caught up in them. This mindful presence creates space for self-reflection and insight.

  4. Uncovering core beliefs and patterns: Compassionate self-inquiry involves uncovering and examining core beliefs and patterns that may be limiting or causing distress. By identifying these beliefs and patterns, individuals can challenge and reframe them, opening up new possibilities for growth and healing.

  5. Integration and healing: The compassionate self-inquiry method aims to integrate and heal the fragmented parts of oneself. By acknowledging and embracing all aspects of one's experience, individuals can work towards wholeness and self-acceptance.

It's important to note that compassionate self-inquiry is a process that takes time and practice. It is often beneficial to work with a therapist, counselor or coach who can provide guidance and support throughout the journey of self-inquiry.

Dr. Gabor Maté's compassionate self-inquiry method offers a compassionate and empowering approach to self-exploration and healing, allowing individuals to gain insight, transform limiting beliefs, and cultivate greater self-compassion and understanding.

If you are interested in working with a Certified and Trauma Informed Coach to support you on your journey, please book a coaching session below.


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An evening with Dr. Gabor Mate and his teachings on trauma